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Wearable Computing, The Future Of Technology.

What is Wearable Computing?

There are two main types of wearable technologies:

-Apparel and textiles are used in healthcare, medicine, sports, safety, and fashion for fitness, wellness, and life-tracking applications. They also apply in industrial, police, and military environments (eg body-mounted cameras and augmented-reality headsets).

-Infotainment appliances include smart phones, goggles for virtual reality, and smart glasses. The technology is primarily integrated into traditional electronics and is evolutionary, that is, integrating cell phone peripherals with diagnostic devices, or versions of new human interfaces.


The key characteristics that define wearable computing devices are:

  • Portable while Operation.

  • Enables hands free and hands limited use.

  • Always with the user, or acting on behalf of the user.

  • Able to get user’s attention.

  • Able to sense user’s current context. The person operating or using the device is able to enter and execute command(s) while involved in any physical activity.

The Timeline Of Wearable Computing

Source: Areteon (2015) Wearable Devices Market & Technology

This picture shows us the advancements we have made throughout the years in wearable technology. This quickly developing technology is mind-blowing and who knows where it could be in another decade.

Wearable Applications

Healthcare is a prominent area in which wearable technology is utilized. Such as, Prosthetics, Exoskeletons, Glasses for visually impaired , Blood pressure, heart rate, hydration, lung capacity, blood sugar monitors , Location devices , Smart clothes (e.g. posture correcting wearables) p Implants (e.g. pacemakers) and Ingestibles.

Source: Lecture 15 wearable computing - Gabriela Avram

It is a brain-machine interface visualized by Musk that binds humans and

computers using implant chips and thousands of electrodes in the most complex organ.

It may allow paraplegics and other patients with Alzheimer's, dementia, and neurologically impaired individuals

to monitor artificial limbs and other linked devices with thoughts in their primary stages.

Musk expects perfect human-computer symbiosis as technology progresses

further or connects our consciousness to an intelligent machine. It has not yet been released to the direct public as it is still in testing phase.

There are many people that question Elon's new invention as the brain is so complex it is hard to know how exactly it will adapt to the human brain.

In conclusion, there are many applications for wearable technologies. Not just in healthcare but for wellbeing also such as apple watches, fitbits, gopros, implant devices and even tattoos! Technology is growing at a rapid rate and we can take advantage of this to better our health and even well-being.

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